Intelligent swimming pool timing and management system
The PoolTIME is a Multi-Functional management system designed to improve the pool appearance while reducing the running costs.
The PoolTIME utilizes the patented RRPA, Random Run/Pause Algorithm, to control the pool pump. Under this control algorithm, the pump is run and paused for 30 to 40 random intervals per day. Each Run/Pause cycle runs 10 to 30 minutes.
This revolutionary control algorithm offers the following advantages:
- The pump is running and circulating the water throughout the day. The short pause intervals do not allow for long settling time, dramatically reducing the algae build up.
- The frequent, random Run/Pause intervals improve the pool cleaner randomness
Facilitating better coverage of the pool. - In the occasional cases of the pool cleaner getting stuck in a corner or by steps,
the next pause/ run cycle will most likely pull it away.
In addition, the PoolTIME offers more functionality
- The Run/Pause time ratio is automatically adjusted by the water temperature for
Optimal cleaning while saving costs throughout the seasons. - Manual toggle between Run and Pause modes for backwash operation.
- Anti-Freeze operation – In the case of freezing condition, the Run/Pause control.
- Logic automatically changes to maintain above freezing temperature in the pipes.
- Utility friendly – the Run/Pause ratio can be reduced during peak consumption hours.
- Soft start operation – The unit incorporates a SoftStarter, reducing mechanical and
electrical stresses. - TripConnect functionality provides over and under voltage protection to the motor.
- Overload protection, protecting against stall condition.
- Lightning protection on all inputs and outputs.
- Pool lights control – based on the location and the date, the PoolTIME calculates
- The true daily Sunset/Sunrise times and controls the light output.
- Bluetooth interface with smartphone App for full control and monitoring capabilities.
Download the PoolTIME brochure