
Situated on the main beach of Tel Aviv the David international hotel is a 5 star hotel, close to main tourist attractions and to the business district of Tel Aviv.


Besides its hospitality activities, the hotel has a convention center and function halls. It also offers casual parking mainly to sea goers.

Site details:

  • 348 parking bays, in six levels.
  • 14 Numeric displays
  • 6 ZoneBuffers
  • 1 BlockBuffers
  • 6 Power supplies
  • Control room

Due to the site geometry, some of the bays will have combo sensor/indicator installed and others will have a split system.  


The access to parking levels is done via a standard spiral ramp from the street level all the way to the top level. The following picture describes the view of the approaching vehicle to level 4.


Once entered the driver will have to drive around to see if there is available parking.


It is extremely frustrating venturing into a level, driving around just to discover that the level is full. The driver must then drive back to the spiral ramp and try another level until, hopefully a space will be found.

Installing Parking Guidance System was the obvious solution.

  • Sign at the main entrance will advise drivers of the total available parking.
  • Signs at each entrance will advise the user of available parking at each level, preventing the fruitless driving around and reducing frustration to nil.

The Diamond Parking Guidance System was selected, mainly due to its accuracy and due to its neat appearance, which meets with the hotel standards.

Also, the management requires the statistical information in order to optimize the occupancy/price ratios.

IPI our Israeli partner is currently busy with the installation.


  • Parking Guidance System is used to guide drivers to areas with available parking, reducing frustration, and creating happy customers.
  • Statistical information will enable the management to improve occupancy/cost ratio.




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